martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Pues ¿de qué se trata?

Letra y música: The Arcade Fire. Antichrist Television Blues.
Video: del tipo de youtube. (No sé por qué quiso protagonizarlo).

Uno de los síntomas que normalmente se asocian con el éxito con "la satisfacción del deber cumplido" es encontrar trabajo, reproducir el modo de producción, lograr cosas, atesorar obejetos

I Don't wanna work in a building downtown, I Don't wanna work in a buiding downtown, I Don't wanna work in a building downtown, I Don't wanna work in a building downtown, I Don't wanna work in a building downtown, I Don't wanna work in a building downtown, I Don't wanna work in a building downtown, I Don't wanna work in a building downtown.

Tener hijos, criarlos, sentarlos frente al TV, computadora, video juego, escuela, cursos de piano, karate, enviarlos a la calle, con la abuela, con el tió, con los primos, de vacaciones, dejarlos en la calle. Sin tener una idea clara de por qué hacerlo.

Dear God, would you send me a child? Oh! God, would you send me a child? Dear God, would you send me a child? Oh! God, would you send me a child? Dear God, would you send me a child? Oh! God, would you send me a child? Dear God, would you send me a child? Oh! God, would you send me a child? Dear God, would you send me a child? Oh! God, would you send me a child?

Es como dice Luis, hay gente básica que hace cosas básicas, que se preocupa por cosas básicas, que piensa cosas básica y espera cosas básicas

As I drive from the city with the money that I earned, As I drive from the city with the money that I earned, As I drive from the city with the money that I earned, As I drive from the city with the money that I earned, As I drive from the city with the money that I earned, As I drive from the city with the money that I earned, As I drive from the city with the money that I earned.

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